On Monday night we took delivery of our brand spanking new laser cutter – a monstrous 90W unit with a 24″ x 36″cutting surface.
OK, it’s a big giant laser. Now what do we do with it?
You can feel the excitement. At least he didn’t take a selfie with it.
Now comes the hard part – figuring how to use the infernal contraption. We’ll be working out all the rules and procedures and safety issues, and setting up a formal class.
Last night we worked feverishly to get our first design cut.
What will we cut out first? Duh!
Just made it by closing time!
Ylab – a proud part of the community since 2015.
(*) If you actually speak latin… yeah, Habemus lux gladius is not the greatest translation. But it fits nicely in a headline. If you really want to get picky about it, Habemus cultellum excitata per lucem is a better description. Habemus lux gladius could also be used to describe a light sabre. Remember: Google translate is your friend.